SSH Command Collection for WordPress on Amazon Lightsail

SSH Command Collection for WordPress on Amazon Lightsail: A Beginner’s Guide

Managing a WordPress site on Amazon Lightsail requires more than just a basic understanding of the platform. SSH (Secure Shell) is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with your server directly, perform maintenance tasks, upgrade software, and troubleshoot issues. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, having a handy collection of SSH commands can save you time and effort. In this article, we’ll cover essential SSH commands for WordPress users, including maintenance, upgrades, SSL configuration, and more.

Why SSH is Crucial for WordPress on Amazon Lightsail

SSH is a secure protocol that lets you access your server’s command line interface (CLI). For WordPress users on Amazon Lightsail, SSH is invaluable for:

  • Performing server maintenance.
  • Upgrading WordPress core, plugins, and themes.
  • Configuring SSL certificates.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting issues.
  • Managing files and databases.

How to Connect to Amazon Lightsail via SSH

Before diving into the commands, you need to connect to your Lightsail instance:

  1. Download your private key from the Lightsail console.
  2. Open your terminal (on macOS/Linux) or use an SSH client like PuTTY (on Windows).
  3. Run the following command:
   ssh -i /path/to/your/private-key.pem bitnami@your-server-ip

Replace /path/to/your/private-key.pem with the path to your private key and your-server-ip with your server’s public IP address.

Essential SSH Commands for WordPress on Amazon Lightsail

Here’s a comprehensive list of SSH commands categorized for easy reference:

1. Basic Navigation and File Management

  • pwd
    Explanation: Print the current working directory.
    Use Case: Find out where you are in the file system.
  • ls
    Explanation: List files and directories in the current folder.
    Use Case: View the contents of a directory.
  • cd /path/to/directory
    Explanation: Change the current directory.
    Use Case: Navigate to a specific folder.
  • touch filename.txt
    Explanation: Create an empty file.
    Use Case: Quickly create a new file.
  • mkdir foldername
    Explanation: Create a new directory.
    Use Case: Organize files into folders.
  • rm filename.txt
    Explanation: Delete a file.
    Use Case: Remove unnecessary files.
  • rm -r foldername
    Explanation: Delete a directory and its contents.
    Use Case: Remove an entire folder.
  • cp file1.txt file2.txt
    Explanation: Copy a file.
    Use Case: Duplicate files for backup or editing.
  • mv file1.txt /new/location/file1.txt
    Explanation: Move or rename a file.
    Use Case: Reorganize files or change their names.

2. File Editing and Permissions

  • nano filename.txt
    Explanation: Open a file in the Nano text editor.
    Use Case: Edit configuration files or scripts.
  • cat filename.txt
    Explanation: Display the contents of a file.
    Use Case: Quickly view file content.
  • chmod 644 filename.txt
    Explanation: Change file permissions.
    Use Case: Set read/write permissions for files.
  • chown user:group filename.txt
    Explanation: Change file ownership.
    Use Case: Assign ownership to specific users or groups.

3. WordPress-Specific Commands

  • wp --info
    Explanation: Check if WP-CLI is installed and view its details.
    Use Case: Verify WP-CLI availability.
  • wp core update
    Explanation: Update WordPress core.
    Use Case: Keep your WordPress installation up to date.
  • wp plugin update --all
    Explanation: Update all installed plugins.
    Use Case: Ensure plugins are running the latest versions.
  • wp theme update --all
    Explanation: Update all installed themes.
    Use Case: Keep themes updated for security and performance.
  • wp db export backup.sql
    Explanation: Export the WordPress database.
    Use Case: Create a database backup.
  • wp db import backup.sql
    Explanation: Import a database backup.
    Use Case: Restore your database.

4. Server Maintenance

  • sudo apt update
    Explanation: Update the package list.
    Use Case: Ensure your server has the latest package information.
  • sudo apt upgrade
    Explanation: Upgrade installed packages.
    Use Case: Keep your server software up to date.
  • sudo service apache2 restart
    Explanation: Restart the Apache web server.
    Use Case: Apply changes to server configurations.
  • sudo service mysql restart
    Explanation: Restart the MySQL database server.
    Use Case: Refresh the database service.
  • df -h
    Explanation: Display disk space usage.
    Use Case: Monitor server storage.
  • top
    Explanation: View real-time system processes.
    Use Case: Identify resource-heavy processes.

5. SSL Configuration

  • sudo certbot --apache
    Explanation: Install an SSL certificate using Certbot.
    Use Case: Secure your site with HTTPS.
  • sudo certbot renew --dry-run
    Explanation: Test SSL certificate renewal.
    Use Case: Ensure your SSL certificates renew automatically.

6. Debugging and Logs

  • tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
    Explanation: View the Apache error log in real-time.
    Use Case: Debug server errors.
  • tail -f /opt/bitnami/wordpress/wp-content/debug.log
    Explanation: View the WordPress debug log.
    Use Case: Troubleshoot WordPress-specific issues.

Tips for Using SSH Commands Safely

  1. Backup Before Making Changes: Always back up your site and database before running commands that modify files or settings.
  2. Use Sudo Wisely: The sudo command grants administrative privileges. Use it carefully to avoid accidental changes.
  3. Test Commands: Test commands on a staging site before applying them to your live site.
  4. Keep Learning: Explore advanced commands and scripting to automate tasks.


SSH is an indispensable tool for managing your WordPress site on Amazon Lightsail. With this collection of essential SSH commands, you can handle everything from basic file management to advanced server maintenance, upgrades, and SSL configuration. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, these commands will help you take control of your server and optimize your website’s performance.

Have you used any of these commands before? Share your experience or ask questions in the comments below!


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