Author: Rahul Kharbanda

  • 20 Definitive Reasons for No Traffic On My Blog in 2020

    Here is a list of 20 Reasons for No Traffic on a Blog in 2020, I have written 20 Reasons you can please add more in the comments.

    Primary Reason: No New Visitors No New Traffic to the Blog

    This post is finding out reasons why blogs quit for no visitors

    If your blog doesn’t get organic traffic new visits even after many good efforts of creating content,
    that can frustrate a lot,

    you just keep on looking at the analytics, who visited your blog from which country what was the time spent on a particular post and so on.

    Well, Does that Make Sense?

    While as they say it all starts with a domain, an idea or a niche, it would never make sense to quit your blog,
    rather finding out reasons for no visitors is what your target should be if you follow your niche correctly just stick to what is required you won’t ever quit writing your blog.

    Finding reasons for No Traffic

    No traffic could be many valid reasons, here are some that I find relevant, you may add more in the comments below.

    Poor Design Worst User Experience Leading to No Traffic

    A poorly designed blog would never engage the visitors to read more, follow a blog or revisit it.

    Blogs that have lots of design elements, poor accessibility scores, for designs usually make the user quit the page and never return,

    It’s just same as visiting a new restaurant that has an ambience and food you are comfortable with and would repeat the visits.

    Always remember that first impression is the last!

    No Traffic for Not having a responsive layout

    This is one of the major reasons for lesser or no organic traffic, mobile-friendly pages that are responsive in all screen resolutions, cross-browser compatible, use technology like AMP for blogs are likely to get more impressions and rank higher.

    If you ignore how your website looks on a mobile screen most likely you will lose the traffic from search results.

    No Traffic as of Slow Pageload Speeds

    A visitor is most likely to leave your page. If the content loads slow, never loads or has errors, reasons can be many like not optimised images, poor hosting, weird server configuration, no use of CDN’s or in short no focus on the core web vitals.

    This performance now includes First Contentful Paint, Time to Interactive, Speed Index, Total Blocking Time, Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift,  Critical Request Chains, Critical path latency, request counts and much more added frequently.

    Here is a list of many tools to check the performance of your website.

    Every page speed tool has its own term to determine the performance like Yslow considers DNS lookups as a performance score, while many other tools don’t consider this as a performance score.

    No Traffic as I am Giving away a damn to SEO

    SEO is not just getting the green lights on your WordPress Seo Plugin, It’s definitely beyond that or much more beyond that, The search engines are smarter than you can imagine, they change with the time improve with the technology stacks, your SEO plugin goes by the wish of the Developer how he wants it to be,

    I can see many plugins most popular one like Yoast has lots of open bugs, pending enhancements from years, ignoring then on its own with the one who suffers is the new blog who would require to match everything to outshine.

    Your blog won’t get organic traffic if you don’t follow how a search engine expects your content to be crawled, Things like Schema, Structured data play a vital role in the correct SEO strategy and plan.

    Posts that are in the Rich Snippets get the most clicks, more impressions. As soon as your posts hit the rich snippets for certain keywords, you would see a jump in your organic traffic.

    Greed to Monetize More More Ads Less Content So No Traffic

    With the greed to make money from a blog initially, placing more and more advertisements after each paragraph, on the fixed widgets on the footer, headers everywhere, adding affiliate links to almost all your lines you write, to monetise the blog whether or not its useful to the readers or visitors is another reason for no organic traffic.

    If you include more advertisements that eventually load more scripts, have more DNS lookups and more cookies making your page slow.

    Wasting time looking Income Reports of an old Successful Blog

    Most of the times new blogs get lured with the income charts, fake or real income disclosures, screenshots of an old blog site,

    Never understanding the real way they made success it wasn’t overnight, decades of work sticking to a single category, working contributing, building a community, helping in forums how pleasant the approach could be,

    only following the income of a blogger would not make you earn the same income even if if you follow them whatever they have done.

    I have seen some old blogs, and it has just become rather I would call it a weird trend to show off the income reports,

    but why only because they want to lure you with success stories, want you to follow them what they did to make money online, and then click on the affiliate links and make them more famous or richer?

    Content creation should be unique in your own way, not followed by how someone made a commission with affiliate programs or sponsored ads. So, Grow Up! Go to Work Create the Content.

    Please keep patience your time will don’t quit, keep on creating more and more good content.

    For the bloggers flaunting the income reports can let success make the noise please,

    Publishing Irrelevant Baseless Stuff for No Traffic

    I follow many blogs, even subscribe to the newsletters but why would I follow or subscribe?
    Only for some very good reasons like,

    Blogs that have helped me solve a problem, or have given me a reason to explore what’s new with them, as a visitor I would never return to a blog that has irrelevant and baseless stuff,

    With irrelevant I mean no relevance to the title and the post, like in this post I am writing about “Why the Blogs Quit”, So I should not write the tips what can be done along with each reason in detail.

    Yes, maybe a separate post would make sense.

    No Niche Topic, Blogging about Everything

    I have seen some Tech blogs discussing hosting. Also, writing about yoga, organic farming and writing about how to get admission to that Great University, to me as a visitor that looks like a piece of scrapped content nothing more than that, and I quit reading that blog.

    If you need to blog, you have to stick to your niche. Remember it’s your blog and not a country’s national newspaper.

    Backlinks From Everywhere

    When a new blog is built, you just thrive to get a backlink, irrespective of where the referral traffic comes from how authoritative the domain is, whats the class of the IP address it has?

    The link from a social media posting, again and again, spamming in social media groups, in comments to every other blog you visit just to make a backlink can also get you banned and your social media account can be suspended for spamming with posting links everywhere.

    The backlinks from social media sites, spam posts emails and forcing people to click with backlinks gradually makes a blog rank lower and with no organic traffic at all.

    No Traffic With Shared Hosting

    Hosting with a good host plays a vital role in getting organic traffic making your domain more authoritative, secure and available, get more and relevant pings and crawls from the search engines.

    A Class C Static IP address could also result in a better SEO,

    In short, when you get a Shared cheap hosting plan and start your blog, it’s mapped with many domains on the same IP address that could make your domain a culprit of another domain’s bad behaviour on the web.

    Longer Domain Names

    Usually, people don’t type or remember longer domain names. This can be a major reason for no traffic at all. Indexing is ok, but what if someone visited your blog and wants to reconcile with your post again to open it directly when he needs to refer the post again a shorter easy to remember name should preferably have good traffic.

    Selecting a wrong TLD

    When it comes to domain selection, and you see a list of available options if you select a wrong TLD for an example a most common TLD with .com is likely to get more traffic from all over the world than a TLD from a specific geo-location like .in for India .ca for Canada and so on.

    Geo-targeted TLD’s are often stuck to certain areas of the defined country that can be a major reason to get less traffic.

    Policy Violations No Indexing

    You might not even know, but you could have violated a policy of the search engine and they might have stopped indexing your site, could be another good reason for no traffic, regular check on guidelines best practices should be followed to avoid violations,

    You keep on creating the content but if your blog is not properly indexed would result in no organic traffic.

    No Security of the Visitor

    Search indexing will be better for a secure site on a secure hosting than a non-secured blog, I am not talking about getting the free SSL, security is beyond that the rating of your SSL the authority that has signed it, HSTS preloaded domain, How are cookies managed on your domain, If you allow users to signup how safe they are with signups. How you treat the privacy of the visitor?

    Everything for safety counts if you need traffic for your blog.

    Very Long Articles

    A blog with very very long articles, more than 2000 Words, are most likely to adversely affect the user engagement with the content, posts that do not stick to the title and the topic if you write irrelevant to what is not required for the topic or suddenly shift from the topic and start writing in between for another topic just to make the post contents long.

    The long blog post should be presented up in points, or with a table of contents at the top for users to jump to the relevant topics.

    Also its recommended to make short paragraphs that have a good readability.

    Lesser Posts Not Updating Content Frequently

    If you don’t post frequently have been or posting very fewer posts, that could be a reason that affects the visitors you receive.

    Visitors seek for blogs with new content every day if your blog is not updated; you are not likely to get organic traffic.

    If you created a HOW-TO a year ago and it has now changed completely, you should also update the same with updated steps, else that would become irrelevant for the visitor.
    Updating your posts and content is required regularly to maintain the user experience and get organic traffic.

    Switching over Hosting Zones and IP Addresses

    If you continuously shift over with hosting accounts, shift your sites entirely with where its available and hosted one zone to another zone and do not have a static availability can impact your traffic with my personal experience I shifted to Cloudflare for a day and suffered a loss of organic traffic for at least 14 days till everything became normal.

    The mistake I made was opting for a free plan to test something a few months ago. At the same time, I was saved by taking a quick decision to get back everything to normal AWS hosting, with using a static IP on my domain that has just my domain hosted and is not shared with any other domain name.

    Changing permalinks not monitoring your 404 Hits

    Mostly new blogs when start publishing keeps on changing permalinks and do not monitor the 404 hits, or maintain a 404 page, this could lead with slow indexing as when a visitor browses through the indexed URL, and he is directed to a blank 404 page it makes the worst user experience.

    Many of the blogs to improve change the permalinks make them shorter or change the entire structure of the URL. This can affect organic traffic, adversely resulting in less or no traffic.

    No Interaction with your blog users on comments

    When someone comments on your blog, and you do not reply to them at all, it sounds insulting, Quite similar to inviting someone to talk and not responding to them.

    Most likely the user won’t turn back again to your blog if you don’t respond, for the appreciation of your posts you should thank and reply like ” Glad my post was helpful”,

    For Answers, the author of the posts must be active to respond on the published content if the comment is not a relevant question you can direct them to something more relevant, you know.

    No promotion of your Blog

    If you have worked hard writing and making content, you should take out time to regularly promote your content the same with relevant posts to other authoritative blogs, like Quora, Medium and many more not doing so you will not get new traffic.

    You can also make a Facebook group of users to your blog, building a community to help will achieve regular readers for your blog.

  • Excellent Tricks For Redirection A Codes Collection

    Find below code snippets for Redirection, Change your domain name accordingly

    HTML Redirect / Javascript

    Simple Html + Javascript Redirect

    <html lang="en-US">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                window.location.href = ""
            <title>Redirect Me to</title>
            <!-- Mention to Redirect, If Not Automatically -->
            If you are not redirected automatically, follow this <a href=''>link to NETNAPS</a>.

    FallBack – Redirect if Javascript is not Allowed

        <a href="">Click here if you are not redirected automatically.</a>

    Redirection With Meta Tag in Delayed Seconds

    This is 5 seconds Delayed delay as you like

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=" />

    INIT Function With HTML Redirection

    <!DOCTYPE html>
                function init()
                   window.location.href = "";
        <body onload="init()">

    Apache Server .htaccess Redirections

    Permanent Redirect 301 Non-www to www

    #redirect non-www to www
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

    Redirecting permanently www to non-www domain

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

    Redirecting a www domain with folder or sub-directory permanent 301

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,NC

    Redirect an old domain to the new one with a full query string and path

    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^(.*){REQUEST_URI} [R=302,NC

    Redirect The Entire Web Site

    Redirect 301 /

    Redirecting a particular page

    Redirect 301 /index.php

    Redirect the Site to a Folder / Directory

    Redirect 301 /

    HTML to PHP File Redirection

    RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.html$$1.php

    Redirecting an Old Domain to A New Domain

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

    Nginx Redirects

    Nginx All HTTP Requests to HTTPS

    Use anyone both worked for me, If you use 443 Port use First One

    server {
      listen [::]:80;
      listen      80;
      # Redirect all non-https requests
      rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
    server {
      listen              80;
      listen              [::]:80;
      location '/var/www/netnaps' {
      default_type "text/plain";
      root        /tmp/dir;
      location / {
        return              301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

    PHP Redirects

        Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

  • Making Awesome Web Stories 10 Free Resources

    10 Free Resources Making Awesome  Web Stories
    a story made using wordpress
    Learn more how we made it

    Creating Web Stories on WordPress

    This Story is made using WordPress Free Plugin by Google Web Stories.

    Please find a list of 10 useful Resources for making incredible web stories for your blog.


    Unsplash offers a free plugin to sync with your WordPress blog to directly display its library of free images and videos while you are making web stories right in your media gallery. Visit Unsplash Here:


    Freepik is a project by Freepik Company, The Company also has awesome projects like Flaticon,
    and Slidesgo.
    Freepik offers a huge collection of free to use Image resources for you, they also offer a premium plan that’s obviously a more advanced collection. Visit Freepik Here: Freepik


    Pngtree, founded in Dec 2016, has millions of PNG images and other graphic resources for everyone to download. Our aim is to build the largest free PNG image platform in the world, serve for all the professional designer and people who have design skills. Helping users save time and improving their projects efficiently is our duty. All of our designers have been real name authenticated and all of their works have a commercial license

    The limitation is 2 free images on a account in a Day, you can unlock the limit with a premium subscription, so wisely download the Image file as you have two downloads a day on a free plan.

    Another is adding an attribution to the free download, so if you have a good commercial usage you may sign up for a premium account.

    Visit Png tree Here :


    The best free stock photos & videos shared by talented creators. Also with a Photographer Leaderboard, a big Community, Everything from Images to videos is absolutely free to download.

    Visit Pexels Here :


    Free Transparent PNG Images. Claims to have a database containing more than 16 million free transparent PNG files. All PNG images can be used for personal use unless stated otherwise.

    Visit Favpng Here :

    Burst By Shopify

    Free stock photos for websites and commercial use, Download free, high-resolution images as its a shopify venture collections were created with entrepreneurs in mind.

    Visit Burst Here :


    Browse over 300000 free stock photos and find the perfect royalty-free image quickly. Download free, high quality stock images, for every day or commercial use.

    Visit Freeimages Here :


    Every single day new photos of the highest quality are added to Kaboompics, You can download and use them for your own purposes – grace your blog posts, create lovely graphics for your social media accounts, make your website more appealing – all for free, including the commercial use!

    Visit Kaboompics Here :


    Choose from over a million free vectors, clipart graphics, vector art images, design templates, and illustrations created by artists worldwide, Fully guaranteed images for personal or commercial use. Also offers a reasonable premium pricing for more unlimited downloads.

    Good For : vector art, stock photos & videos, you may need for making web stories awesome.

    Visit Vecteezy Here :


    Gratisography, has quirkiest collection of high-resolution free stock images, images you just won’t find anywhere else.

    Visit Gratisography Here :

  • Stunning Web Stories for WordPress Turbo-Charge Your 2020 Blog

    Web Stories on WordPress A Step-Wise Tutorial

    Web Stories Are Stunning!

    Using the WordPress Plugin for Web Stories Here is an example

    Installing Web Stories for WordPress Plugin

    Plugins > Add New > Type ” Web Stories ” Install and Activate.

    plugins add new

    Settings For Web Stories for WordPress Plugin

    From Admin Menu, you have three options as in the screenshot above.

    The Dashboard shows you everything to get started with the stories,
    use the Create a New Story button to jump to the editor and add a story.

    dashboard web stories

    All Stories

    The all stories option shows you web stories that you have already made and saved, in all modes published, drafts, etc. like posts.

    all Stories page WordPress

    Add New

    It takes you to the editor to add a new story.

    add new web stories with wordpress

    If we see tab wise on the Dashboard, it shows you three options
    (1) My Stories, (2) Explore Templates (3) Editor Settings

    My Stories 

    My Stories option, relates to your web stories that you have created and display them in a format All Stories, drafts, and published if you have many search bar.

    my stories word press

    Explore Templates

    Explore the Templates option relates to pre-made templates bundled along with the WordPress Plugin. It makes it easy to get started and understand how web stories work.

    web stories templates

    Editor Settings Google Analytics for Web Stories for WordPress

    In the editor settings, you can add your Google Analytics code to track views of the story, add your logo that should be precisely 96×96 pixels a perfect square. In the end, a data-sharing option checkbox to improve the plugin.

    editor settings wordpress web stories plugin

    Editor Settings and Features for Web Stories for WordPress

    add new stories with images in wordpress google web stories

    Upload Image or Video option connects your WordPress default media gallery to upload the images or videos. You can select any web stories supported picture formats or video clips and attach them to your web stories.

    With Blue Upload Button you can add the New Files as Uploads.

    text in web stories for wordpress plugin

    Text option as T has few presets for Text Formats, Like Heading ( H1, H2, and H3), Paragraph, Caption, and Overline.

    SEO of your content into headings and subheadings short paragraphs and citations.

    basic shapes for web stories

    Shapes next to Text option has 12 Basic shape elements that can be very useful to highlight and better display the story format.

    add title to web stories on wordpress

    Add the Title option Here you can give a title to the story.
    It automatically creates a permalink for the web store.

    below art board web stories

    Below the Editor, you have Delete Page, Duplicate Page, New Page, Undo and Redo options.

    Duplicating the page with this option to take all the elements to the next page as same and change a few details like text or pictures as your story usually goes, the background can be the same for pages, and text you can edit.

    page advancement for web stories

    Page advancement feature at the end of this panel to control whether the story auto-plays or the reader has to tap for the next page or slide.

    The duration can also be controlled default is 7 seconds.

    safe zone marks

    I recommend keeping elements inside the safe Zone.

    Disable or Enable Safe Zone Option. Safe Zone is a markup for adjusting your elements in a zone that is viewable to all devices. By default is enable.

    Below that, you have the Grid View Option.

    grid view web stories wordpress

    Grid view shows all your web stories pages in a grid view, easy to select one of the pages to edit if you have 30 Pages on a story.

    keyboard shortcuts

    Keyboard Shortcuts for publishing stories with ease of keyboard

    links in webstories

    Adding Links in Web Stories, This is useful if you have an Affiliate link, or have to link a visitor to your post.

    design tab web stories for wordpress plugin

    Design Tab for Web Stories WordPress Plugin makes it easy to use Google fonts, select layers, change font colours, Size Position, and all preliminary design features a plugin could have inbuilt.

    Page Attachment Links

    Adding Links To Web Stories On Background With Swipe Up Learn More Button

    To add links to your story when a user can swipe up to go to a page with text as “Learn More” or whatever you want to give kindly have a look at the below screenshot.

    learn more

    To add this Learn More Button in our Web Story select the background and add the URL this is called

    Page Attachment,

    page attachment links

    Also, you may change the text from “Learn More” to anything you wish to another awesome feature of the web stories for WordPress plugin.

    Displaying Web Stories for WordPress on Posts or Pages

    To display web stories, open your blocks in the editors select Stories Block,
    Next, add the URL of your published story to embed like in the screenshot below.

    embedding web stories

    Add a Cover for Web Stories

    Cover for the web stories – Dimensions for the image is 360 x 600 pixels.

    Make the cover attractive, as a cover of a Good Story Book.

    Correctly Embedding Web Stories on WordPress

    Structured Data SEO for Web Stories for WordPress

    Web Stories being a post type, can easily select an Article in a Yoast free plugin, a screenshot above.

    You have to go to Yoast > Search Appearance > Schema Settings.

    For Another Popular and better plugin than Yoast, Rank Math Free also fully supports the Web Stories for WordPress,

    rank math web stories

    Rank Math’s Dashboard shows a toggle to enable Google Web Stories for WordPress.

    Here is a small checklist :

    Check this official link by Google to check best practices for Web Stories SEO.

    Minimum And Maximum Pages for Web Stories
    Ideally, a web story should have 10-20 pages, but a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 pages. Make a story with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30-page slides.

    Completeness in the story
    The story should be complete, should not end without any reason or right direction.

    For example, if a recipe story could be for making a new salad, but that should cover each part from starting with vegetables used to being served on the table.

    What you are trying to narrate in the story should be valid and relate the pages from start to end. Avoid skipping pages and publish information that is not clear what you want to narrate.

    Use of Minimum Text With Clear Fonts Size Display
    Title length and Text in story pages should be short as it’s for mobile devices; the fonts should be clear and readable for everyone. If possible, keep Text below 10 to 12 words per page.

    Guidelines for Videos
    If you add videos, use short clips 15 seconds per slide, use any app to clip the long videos into short clips, and see what video format would work best that uses minimum storage space and outputs with the best resolution.

    Follow Content Guidelines
    The Web Stories can also get into Google Discover on Android phones, so best is to follow the Discover content guidelines.

    Don’t overuse multiple elements on a story page.
    Please keep it simple, elegant, light, and short don’t use more and more elements on a single slide page.

    As the user views a page for 5 seconds to 7 seconds, keep minimum details and Text that a user can read easily in that view time.

    Guidelines for Images
    Use good quality resolution images that are clear and unique in your story and relate to your narrative. As the story is in a Portrait mode, avoid the use of landscape format.

    I usually keep on improving Checklists on my blog. One of my lists can be of your interests here 15 Tips to Avoid Structured Data Errors AMP on WordPress.

    Another useful resource to read about SEO for web stories is from the official AMP Blog here.

    Seo Web Stories WordPress: Official Video

    Templates Included

    Pick up a pre-installed template for your First Story, change the same with your unique content, like Title, headings, and page story you have created,
    to quickly get started with the google web stories.

    web stories templates

    Note: Your content, whatever you make, should always be unique.

    With the templates, you get a clear idea of how the stories should work properly and how many visitors you are getting on your stories with google analytics,

    If you have any errors or warnings at the google search console, you can also validate that with a fix.

    Updates :

    Friday 13 November 02:02
    • With Latest Release Now WordPress Version 1.1 Web Stories Plugin Also Supports Gifs from Tenor, that you can add in your stories, Videos and Ai Writer

    Please Find 10 Free Resources to make awesome Web Stories of-course in a web story below

  • Drastic Bounce Rate Plunge AMP Linker Unification

    Understanding Google Analytics AMP Linker & Session Unification

    AMP Site showing higher bounce rates?

    Then you should follow this post closely it’s a short How-To on Unification of Amp sessions on Analytics Data, Correctly Doing AMP Analytics Session Unification with your domain and testing that the analytics tag is set up correctly with a testing tool in the last step of this post.

    AMP Analytics Journey Across Two Sessions

    When a visitor with a google search lands at your site on his mobile device particularly, he is on the AMP CDN domain, the sparking sign is not your real domain, for example in the screencast below, a visitor opens a link from google search index he visits amp cache URL that is hosted by google.

    Session 1

    In this Image, a new visitor goes to google Index finds our Domain and opens the URL that is an AMP URL with a Spark Sign.

    The URL looks exactly like this

    Session 2

    From Session one, the Visitor now Explores the site and opens the Blog Button.

    This is our Own Domain Or Real URL

    AMP Analytics Correct Setup

    This post is about the unification of these two sessions a visitors journey from, the AMP Cache CDN URL and the Real URL

    For the unification of AMP Sessions, we have to first make an AMP GTM Container,
    Google Tag Manager AMP Container.

    Jump to this URL –

    Click on Create Account at the Extreme Right of the Page Here

    amp session unification
    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    Add name, select your country

    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    Select AMP as a Container, Amp Container has a specific features for Amp if compared to the usual GTM Conatiner

    add new tag in container
    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    Once Container is created you can create a New Tag, Specifically for Conversion Linker on AMP Analytics

    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    Add Conversion Linker, to your Tags its a Featured Tag as in the Screencast above.

    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    Add your domain name check enable linking across domains.

    Add Triggering, Firing triggers to All Pages, Page View

    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    Save and Submit, Click On Publish

    Screenshot from Google Tag Manager – A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC

    You can give any version name to your container and description to remember changes made to this container.

    Connecting tag to the Site

    If you use WordPress, Edit your header.php file

    This goes in your Head Tags :

    <!-- AMP Analytics -->
    <script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>
    <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
    <amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
    <script type="application/json">
      "vars": {
        "gtag_id": "UA-1234567-3",
        "linker": {
          "domains": [""]
        "config": {
          "UA-1234567-3": {
            "groups": "default"
    <!-- AMP Analytics -->

    This goes in your Body Tag, Make sure to change your GTM- , and Analytics code above.

    <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
    <amp-analytics config="" data-credentials="include"></amp-analytics>
    <!-- Google Tag Manager -->

    Testing the GTM Tags

    Jump to this Free Tag Tester here :

    session stitching in amp analytics
    Screenshot Taken From

    If everything is Green, you have set everything correctly now see how your Bounce rates go down.

    AMP Analytics Limitation

    AMP Analytics Limitations As Per Google

    Official google link here. That Mentions this Limitation
    • Session unification via AMP linker will not happen if a first-time user closes out the AMP page without navigating to next page since the session unification works using link decoration.

    If you use two versions AMP and NON-AMP you should follow the above google URL and then implement the same on your NON-AMP Site Versions.

    AMP Analytics Tested On WordPress

    The above steps were done on a WordPress Latest Version with AMP Original Plugin as a Native Mode, I have also written a post on getting Native Version AMP on WordPress

    All the Screenshots Above in this post are taken from Google Tag Manager, A Google Product ©2018 Google LLC, Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

  • ImageOptim Bulk Optimise Images in Bulk for WordPress Blog

    ImageOptim Bulk Optimise Images: A Simple and Free Solution

    If you’re looking for a way to bulk optimise images without relying on plugins or expensive software, ImageOptim is the answer. This lightweight, free tool is perfect for bloggers, developers, and designers who want to reduce image sizes without compromising quality. In this guide, I’ll share how I used ImageOptim to bulk optimise images for my WordPress blog, saving time and storage space—all for free.

    Why Bulk Optimise Images?

    Optimising images is a critical step for improving website performance and SEO. Smaller image sizes lead to faster page load times, better user experience, and higher search engine rankings. While plugins can automate this process, they often come with limitations, such as server load or premium pricing. That’s where ImageOptim shines—it’s a simple, offline solution that lets you bulk optimise images quickly and efficiently.

    My Experience with ImageOptim

    On my blog, I’ve always relied on Affinity Designer for image editing and compression. Since I use AMP in native mode, most of my pages are served through Google’s AMP CDN, which handles a lot of the heavy lifting. However, as I started experimenting with the Web Stories plugin, I realised the importance of following best practices for image optimisation.

    I needed a solution that could:

    • Optimise images in bulk without running endless background processes.
    • Be fast and efficient, with no recurring costs.
    • Work seamlessly with my existing workflow.

    That’s when I discovered ImageOptim, a free tool that’s less than 10MB in size and works like a charm.

    How to Bulk Optimise Images with ImageOptim

    Here’s how I used ImageOptim to bulk optimise images for my WordPress blog:

    Step 1: Download Images from Your WordPress Server

    Using SFTP and FileZilla, I downloaded the entire uploads directory from my WordPress hosting server to my local Mac. This step ensures you have all your images ready for optimisation.

    Step 2: Run the Bulk Optimisation Command

    Once the images were on my local machine, I used ImageOptim to optimise them in bulk. Here’s the command I ran in the Terminal:

    /Applications/ *.png /users/yourname/PNG-FOLDER/

    Pro Tip: Replace the folder location in the command with your directory structure.

    This command optimises all .png files in the specified folder, reducing their size by up to 50%. The process runs in the background, so you can continue working while it does its job.

    Step 3: Drag-and-Drop Simplicity

    If you’re not comfortable using the Terminal, ImageOptim also supports drag-and-drop functionality. Simply drag your image folder into the app, and it will handle the rest.

    Why ImageOptim Stands Out

    ImageOptim combines some of the best image optimisation tools, including:

    • MozJPEG for JPEG compression.
    • Pngquant and Pngcrush for PNG optimisation.
    • SVGO for SVG files.
    • Google Zopfli for further compression.

    The result? Smaller image sizes without compromising quality, all for free.

    My Optimisation Workflow

    To keep things manageable, I optimise images once a month. For example, I optimised all images from September 2020 in one go. This way, I don’t have to worry about optimising images while creating new content. A few minutes of work at the end of the month is all it takes.

    Advantages of Using ImageOptim

    • Free and Lightweight: No subscriptions or hidden costs.
    • Bulk Optimisation: Process hundreds of images in minutes.
    • Offline Tool: No server load or background processes.
    • Drag-and-Drop Support: Perfect for non-technical users.

    Final Thoughts

    If you’re looking to bulk optimise images without plugins or expensive software, ImageOptim is a game-changer. It’s fast, efficient, and completely free. Whether you’re a blogger, developer, or designer, this tool can help you improve your site’s performance and save storage space.

    Have you tried ImageOptim or any other image optimisation tools? Share your experience in the comments below! For more tips on WordPress optimisation and free resources, visit Netnaps.

    Key Takeaways

    • ImageOptim is a free, lightweight tool for bulk optimising images.
    • It’s perfect for bloggers and developers who want to optimise images without plugins.
    • The tool supports both Terminal commands and drag-and-drop functionality.
    • Optimising images monthly can save time and improve site performance.

    Have you tried ImageOptim or any other image optimisation tools? Share your experience in the comments below! For more tips on WordPress optimisation and free resources, visit Netnaps.

  • Sequel Pro Lightsail Connect WordPress blog Database to your MacOs

    How to Connect Your WordPress Blog Database to Your Mac Using Sequel Pro and Lightsail: A Step-by-Step Guide

    If you’re managing a WordPress blog hosted on Amazon Lightsail and want to access your database directly from your Mac, Sequel Pro is an excellent tool for the job. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of connecting your WordPress blog database to your Mac using Sequel Pro Lightsail Connect. Whether you’re a developer, blogger, or website administrator, this guide will help you streamline your database management.

    Why Use Sequel Pro to Connect to Your WordPress Database?

    Sequel Pro is a popular, open-source MySQL database management tool for macOS. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to manage your WordPress database, run queries, and perform backups. By connecting your WordPress database hosted on Amazon Lightsail to Sequel Pro, you can:

    • Easily manage your database without using the command line.
    • Run SQL queries to optimize your WordPress site.
    • Export or import data for backups or migrations.

    However, it’s important to note that Sequel Pro has some limitations, such as being available only for macOS. If you’re a Windows user, you’ll need to explore alternative tools like HeidiSQL or MySQL Workbench. Let’s dive into the steps to set up Sequel Pro Lightsail Connect on your Mac.

    Step 1: Install Sequel Pro on Your Mac

    Before you can connect to your WordPress database, you need to install Sequel Pro on your Mac. Here’s how:

    1. Download Sequel Pro: Visit the official Sequel Pro website and download the latest version for macOS.
    2. Install the Application: Once downloaded, drag the Sequel Pro icon to your Applications folder.
    3. Launch Sequel Pro: Open the application from your Applications folder or Spotlight search.

    Step 2: Access Your Amazon Lightsail Instance

    To connect Sequel Pro to your WordPress database, you’ll need the database credentials from your Amazon Lightsail instance. Follow these steps:

    1. Log in to Amazon Lightsail: Go to the Amazon Lightsail console and sign in with your credentials.
    2. Select Your Instance: Click on the WordPress instance you want to connect to.
    3. Access the Database: Under the “Connect” tab, note down the following details:
    • Endpoint (hostname)
    • Database name
    • Username
    • Password

    Step 3: Set Up an SSH Tunnel

    Since Amazon Lightsail databases are not publicly accessible, you’ll need to set up an SSH tunnel to connect securely. Here’s how:

    1. Open Sequel Pro: Launch the application on your Mac.
    2. Choose SSH Connection: In the connection window, select the “SSH” tab.
    3. Enter SSH Details:
    • SSH Host: Enter your Lightsail instance’s public IP address.
    • SSH User: Use bitnami as the default username.
    • SSH Password: Enter the password you use to connect to your Lightsail instance via SSH.
    1. Enter Database Details:
    • MySQL Host: Use
    • Username: Enter the database username from Lightsail.
    • Password: Enter the database password.
    • Database: Enter the database name.
    1. Test the Connection: Click “Connect” to ensure everything is set up correctly.

    Step 4: Connect to Your WordPress Database

    Once the SSH tunnel is established, Sequel Pro will connect to your WordPress database. You’ll see a list of tables in your database, such as wp_posts, wp_users, and wp_options. From here, you can:

    • Run SQL queries to optimize your database.
    • Export or import data for backups or migrations.
    • Edit tables directly if needed.

    Step 5: Troubleshooting Common Issues

    If you encounter issues while setting up Sequel Pro Lightsail Connect, here are some common fixes:

    • SSH Connection Failed: Ensure your Lightsail instance’s firewall allows SSH connections (port 22).
    • Database Access Denied: Double-check your database username and password.
    • Slow Connection: Use a stable internet connection and ensure your Lightsail instance is in a region close to your location.

    Limitations of Sequel Pro

    While Sequel Pro is a powerful tool for macOS users, it does have some limitations:

    1. Not Available for Windows: Sequel Pro is exclusively designed for macOS, so Windows users will need to use alternatives like HeidiSQL or MySQL Workbench.
    2. No Native Support for Newer MySQL Features: Sequel Pro lacks support for some advanced MySQL features introduced in newer versions.
    3. Development Status: Sequel Pro’s development has been inconsistent in recent years, which may lead to compatibility issues with newer macOS versions.

    Final Thoughts

    Connecting your WordPress blog database to your Mac using Sequel Pro Lightsail Connect is a straightforward process that can significantly improve your workflow. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to manage your database efficiently, run queries, and ensure your WordPress site runs smoothly.

    Ready to take control of your WordPress database? Download Sequel Pro today and follow the steps above to get started. Have questions or need further assistance? Leave a comment below or explore our related guides on Netnaps for more tips and tricks!

    By following these steps, you’ll have a seamless Sequel Pro Lightsail Connect experience, making database management a breeze.

  • Smoothly Repair Database WordPress Inbuilt Function in 5 Min

    Tuesday 8 September 01:02

    Repair Database Easily on WordPress, With an Inbuilt Core Function,
    Has your website been attacked with a Malicious code?

    If yes, this small tutorial on Repairing Corrupt WordPress could help you get it back just in a matter of 5 minutes.

    Just relax first. We have to do things step by step and get the site running back.

    Understanding The Common Cause For WordPress Database Problem

    First Lets understand how a WordPress plugin can destroy a live website and why you should not use any premium plugin that is not directly sold by the developer in one of my detailed posts here with the title as :

    WordPress Premium Plugins Free or $5 Exposed not the right choice

    The aim of the Attacker is on the SQL Database injection where all your queries get stored. A database contains important things like user passwords and credentials.

    The effects could be felt with a sudden memory exhaust, or with a burst-able zone CPU usage over 100%,
    thus bringing the website down and making the site owner helpless to login.

    Another cause can be a non compatible plugin with your WordPress, a plugin that is recently installed and has some functions that conflict with your other active plugins.

    Removing the Plugin Folder

    The first thing you may do is, getting the plugins deleted that caused an attack or error you know that what recently you have installed.

    To delete the same, you can remove the same with an FTP or SFTP access. If you use Lightsail, I have given a detailed post here on how to Connect Amazon Lightsail using SFTP.

    On the terminal, you can always use the basic command. Here “Path” will be yours, You can remove the plugin folder with any size within seconds by this command.

    Sudo rm -rf /your/folder/path

    After the folder is removed next is to repairing the database.

    Repairing Database WordPress Default Repair Functionality

    WordPress has excellent code, repairing and debugging are the two essential database functions,

    that are inbuilt in WordPress and are helpful for the Site Owners and developers to locate problems and resolve them,

    so we will just put both in our configuration file.

    Repairing WordPress Database

    First, we will open the Directory. You can do that with whatever, as per your hosting, I am more comfortable on the Terminal and SUDO editor.

    so once inside the WordPress directory, its

    sudo nano wp-config.php

    Here are the two lines you need to add to the wp-config file :

    repairing wordpress database

    You can just copy these two from here :

    define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ) ;

    Repairing WordPress Database

    Once done you can just use this URL by adding your domain like in the picture above the url is :

    Now Click on the Repair Database option

    Repairing WordPress Database
    Repairing WordPress Database

    Once done it will ask you to delete the Code, from WP-CONFIG, so you can just comment the code like this to use the same in the future :

    Repairing WordPress Database

    I also made Debug true as if any error prevails can be seen,

    Next, once you use the same URL for repair it will show :

    Repairing WordPress Database

    The Database is Repaired !

    Cleaning Up Unused WordPress Tables With Garbage Collector Plugin

    Plugins you install and delete, certainly leave back files on your server, that files are SQL Tables folders and settings.

    For cleaning them completely you can go ahead and install this plugin called Plugins Garbage Collector (Database Cleanup) by Vladimir Garagulya,

    This Plugin Helps with unused Database Tables For Cleaning Folders, you can do with FTP manually like FileZilla.

    This Plugin is 100% Free to Download form the WordPress Repository

    Repairing WordPress Database

    Just go to Tools > Database Cleanup

    Repairing WordPress Database

    Select the Options to SCAN Hidden Tables also

    Repairing WordPress Database

    Go ahead with the SCAN of the Database, this will show you within few seconds what tables are created that are unused.

    Repairing WordPress Database

    Now just select these tables in the RED, and scroll down to an option DELETE, and done!

    You only have to select the 2nd Column, the first selection Hides the Table.

    Like in this picture here :

    Repairing WordPress Database

    Click on delete it will delete the tables.

    After this function, if you do not regularly try new plugins on your live site, delete the same plugin as it won’t be of any use.

    Its always recommended using the plugins as less as possible as every plugin consumes scripts, CSS, queries, and eats up the server resources.

    Once it deletes the same, you will get a confirmation like this.

    After that, you can rescan the same to confirm the same.

    Repairing WordPress Database

    If you are using a cloud server, VPS Hosting and want to connect your database on a local machine kindly read my post Connect Remotely AWS Lightsail MySQL Sequel Pro on macOS in 5min.

  • Set Up Calypso WordPress in 5 Minutes

    Set Up Calypso WordPress in 5 Minutes

    Are you ready to take your WordPress management to the next level? Set Up Calypso WordPress in just 5 minutes and enjoy a faster, more intuitive way to manage your website. Calypso, developed by Automattic, is a modern interface that allows you to handle your WordPress site(s) with ease, whether you’re using or a self-hosted site. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the quick and easy process of setting up Calypso, so you can start managing your site like a pro.

    What is Calypso WordPress?

    Calypso is a sleek, desktop-like interface designed to simplify WordPress management. It combines the power of and into a single dashboard, offering features like:

    • Multi-Site Management: Handle multiple WordPress sites from one place.
    • Real-Time Stats: Track your site’s performance and engagement.
    • Streamlined Editing: Create and edit posts with a faster, more responsive editor.
    • Notifications: Stay updated with site activity and comments.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up Calypso WordPress

    Follow these simple steps to Set Up Calypso WordPress in just 5 minutes:

    Step 1: Download the Desktop App

    1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the desktop app page.
    2. Download the App: Choose the version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
    3. Install the App: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    Step 2: Log in to Your WordPress Account

    1. Open the App: Launch the desktop app.
    2. Sign In: Use your credentials to log in. If you’re using a self-hosted site, click Add a Self-Hosted Site and enter your site’s URL, username, and password.
    3. Authorize Access: Follow the prompts to authorize Calypso to manage your site.

    Step 3: Explore the Calypso Dashboard

    Once logged in, you’ll see the Calypso dashboard, which includes:

    • Site Management: Manage posts, pages, themes, and plugins.
    • Stats: View real-time traffic statistics.
    • Notifications: Stay updated with site activity and comments.
    • Settings: Configure your site settings directly from the app.

    Step 4: Start Managing Your Site

    With Calypso, you can:

    • Create and Edit Posts: Use the streamlined editor to write and publish content.
    • Install Themes and Plugins: Browse and install themes and plugins directly from the dashboard.
    • Monitor Performance: Track your site’s performance and engagement metrics.

    Step 5: Enjoy the Benefits of Calypso

    Calypso offers a faster, more efficient way to manage your WordPress site. Its intuitive design and powerful features make it a must-have tool for any WordPress user.

    Why Choose Calypso Over Traditional WordPress Admin?

    Calypso provides several advantages over the traditional WordPress admin interface:

    1. Faster Performance: Calypso is built for speed, offering a more responsive experience.
    2. Unified Dashboard: Manage multiple sites from a single interface.
    3. Enhanced Features: Access advanced tools like real-time stats and notifications.
    4. User-Friendly Design: The clean, modern interface makes site management easier than ever.

    Final Thoughts

    Setting up Calypso WordPress is a quick and easy way to enhance your site management experience. With its powerful features and intuitive design, Calypso is the perfect tool for anyone looking to streamline their WordPress workflow.

    Ready to get started? Download the desktop app today and Set Up Calypso WordPress in just 5 minutes. Have questions or tips to share? Leave a comment below—we’d love to hear from you!

    By following these steps, you can enjoy a seamless WordPress management experience with Calypso.

  • Online Website Testing Tools Free List for 2020

    Sunday 9 August 01:07

    Online Website Testing Tools Free List All Tools Are Free in the List Below

    Online Website Testing Tools Free
    Monday 10 August 20:45
    Tool LinkWhat does this Free Tool do?
    Safety Security Checks
    Mozilla Observatory The Mozilla Observatory has helped over 170,000 websites by teaching developers, system administrators, and security professionals how to configure their sites safely and securely.
    Google Safe Browsing CheckSafe Browsing is a service that Google’s security team built to identify unsafe websites across the web.
    SucuriSite CheckFree website security check & malware scanner
    Qualys SSL LabsSSL Server Test, This free online service performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet.
    HSTS Scan / SubmitHTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Scan, Check Eligibility, or Add Domain to the list.
    Alien Vault Open Threat Intelligence Community
    Virus Total Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community
    Pentest Website ScannerDiscover common web application vulnerabilities and server configuration issues.
    Free Limited Scans
    ImmuniWebWebsite security test, Takes approx 10 Mins Time to scan.
    UpGuardFree Website Security Scan with a score.
    JitBit SSL CheckSSL Check
    scan your website for non-secure content.
    AMP Tools
    Amp ValidatorChecks for Google AMP Validation
    AMP Tag TestA tool to Test AMP Tags for Analytics
    AMP Cache URLA tool to Generate AMP Cache URL’s
    Cache & Cookies
    Cache CheckingThis tool lists which web files on a website are cached and which are not. Furthermore, it checks by which method these files are cached and what the expiry time of the cached files is.
    Web Cookies ScannerWeb application vulnerability and privacy scanner with support for HTTP cookies.
    SEO, Accessibility, PWA
    WebHintUse the online scanner for a pre-configured set of rule checks to see what the tools are capable of and how your website is doing.
    Google Rich ResultsDoes your page support rich results? Check on this Link by Google.
    Google Structured Data Testing ToolChecks for Structured Data
    Google Review Link Generator Generate a link to get Google Reviews with this tool.
    Mobile-First Index CheckerCheck Index of Mobile-First Index
    You can review all the current announcements and important resources related to mobile-first indexing from here.
    Performance Testing Tools
    Fast Or Slow Speed Test Fast or slow is a Global Speed Profiler, You can test your Page Speed from Various Global Locations.
    Google Page Speed Insights Make your web pages fast on all devices, by analyzing in details how your page loads and check what exactly is blocking the speed.
    GTMetrix How fast does your website load?
    Find out with GTmetrix
    See how your site performs, reveal why it’s slow and discover optimization opportunities.
    Pingdom Page Speed, page load time, analyze it and find bottlenecks.
    KeyCDN ToolsWebsite Speed Test, Performance Test, HTTP Header Checker, HTTP/2 Check, Brotli Test, IP Location Finder, DNS Checker, Ping Test, Ping IPV6 Test, Traceroute Test, BGP Looking Glass, Certificate Checker, Certificate Chain Composer
    SHA256 Generator, SSL FREAK Test, TLS Logjam Test and More.
    CloudinaryWebsite Speed Test Image Analysis Tool
    WebPage TestWebpage test to check complete page performance like Security score, First Byte Time, Keep-alive Enabled, Compress Transfer, Compress Images, Cache static content, Effective use of CDN.
    Class C IP Address TesterClass C IP Address Testing Tool
    Ranking & Analysis
    Site Rank By AlexaGet a free, automated website analysis to quickly gain insights into a site’s strengths, weaknesses, and digital marketing opportunities.

    Testing a website is the most important thing to do if you own a website or a blog that is dynamic, has a database that too on a regular basis,

    thus to keep my site updated and develop the same better I keep on checking my website on these tools I have collected above, simply I have given a short description of what these tools do, once you go to these tools you can check further with the terms and conditions they have for testing a website, mostly all these tools are free and safe.

    Some are also very well renowned and are must for every website.

    Hope you like this list, if you wish to suggest some more please comment below I will check the same and add the same if its in reference to the matter of the post.

  • Lightsail SFTP Access With FileZilla Easily 5 Steps

    Saturday 8 August 01:09

    Getting Lightsail SFTP Access is Quite Easy

    Required Supply: Lightsail Account, Tools Needed: Filezilla

    In these short 5 Steps, we will learn How to get Lightsail SFTP Access or Connect Lightsail Instance to Filezilla using SFTP.

    To get access to the hosted file directory on the server.

    Also, find a command for setting up permissions to use at the end of this short tutorial.

    Lightsail SFTP Access Using FileZilla
    You can log in with your account on the Lightsail page : Lightsail SFTP Access Using FileZilla.

    Step Click on your Instance

    click on lightsail
    Just click on your instance, to get started once you click it will show Connect Using SSH button

    Step 2 Scroll down and go to Account Page link

    account page lightsail
    Here you will find Keys of all the zones to connect via FTP

    Step 3 Download your Key File

    Download your key file
    This key is required to log in, keep this in a safe place after download.

    Step 4 Open FileZilla to Add a New Site

    open filezilla app
    Click on the extreme left top corner to add a new site.

    Step 5 Add the Details of New Site

    As we have explained in our screenshot, click on New Site ( No.1 Arrow ) Name Your Site,
    Select SFTP in the first option, and add your Lightsail Instance static IP / or public IP address.

    In Logon Type select key file, and the user is bitnami as you see in your SSH Terminal window, Add Key file location like normally you select a file.

    Then Connect, and it’s Done!

    Lightsail SFTP Access Bonus Tip – To Set Up Permissions.

    sudo chown -R bitnami:bitnami /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/

    This target folder could be anything wp-content is just for an example. If you need both users to have permissions, you can use bitnami: daemon and likewise.

    Without proper permission, you will not be able to upload any new file or make changes to your directory. You can still view the files.

    As in this above tutorial, we have signed in as bitnami, so the user is bitnami.

    Before you start your WordPress with any paid hosting, you can make it for free on your Mac, With this detailed tutorial here. Also, you can make this as a testing or development environment on your local mac.

    The tutorial for WordPress on a mac is free and also lets you get a free SSL if you wish to start an AMP Website or a Blog.

    I, too, am using Lightsail as a hosting and AMP on this blog! Powered by WordPress

  • Getting an A+ SSL Rating on Nginx Apache Server

    Saturday 8 August 15:18

    Getting A+ SSL Rating on Apache

    Getting an A+ SSL Rating on Lightsail is just a 5-minute task,

    It’s only turning off old versions of SSL from your configuration file.

    Getting a free SSL is well documented by the lightsail team here, in a 9 Step Tutorial, if you have not got an SSL please get one,

    SSL improves your SEO, maintains trust for the visitor and is a must for any website in 2020.

    After reading this post from Qualys, searching some more articles

    I could make out that getting A+ SSL rating and not allowing the previous versions of SSL on a website or a blog is both good for your SEO Strategy and Security part.

    So, here it is Get your site checked here on the Qualys Tool For SSL it’s Free!

    Here is a screenshot of a test when I just started this blog and was continuously improving on its security, SEO, and everything I could do for achieving a simple, secure and a pro website.

    SSL B Grade

    Getting the same as an A+ was just a 5 minutes task, from start to finish on a lightsail hosted website, using apache server, with bitnami image of wordpress.

    Here’s how I got this from B to A+

    Getting A+ Rating on SSL on a lightsail hosted website

    Just head over to your SSH Window and start with :

    sudo nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf

    Soon you are into editing the bitnami.conf file, so we have to just turn off the old versions of SSL

    Find this line with “CTRL+W”, or whatever that line reads near SSL Protocol

    SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3

    Change the same to

    SSLProtocol TLSv1.2

    CTRL+O to write out and CTRL+X to Exit

    Restart the Apache

    sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart

    Getting A+ SSL Rating Nginx Server

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

    Change the lines that start with #SSL Settings to Exactly the code below this would also add the session timeout and Strict Security Header :

        ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; # Dropping SSLv3, ref: POODLE
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
        ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
        ssl_session_timeout 10m;

    Once done just restart your server with :

    sudo service nginx reload && sudo service nginx restart

    This gives A+ SSL Rating.

    SSL is a must if you use AMP on your WordPress Blog. , Also here’s a collection of some website testing tools that I keep on updating.

    HSTS Preload on NGINX Server

    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload" always;

    This gives you a HSTS Header on your site, if you use Nginx Server, Enrolling to HSTS list is good for your sites security, this enables browsers to understand that your site is only served on a secured connection.

    You can enrol here for HSTS, First, you need to test on the same link then Enroll the domain.

    HSTS Preload on APACHE Server

    Mod Headers Looks Like :

    First, enable mod headers in your httpd.conf file,

    you can find in the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf :

    LoadModule headers_module modules/

    then simply add the below line in your virtual host’s file.

    <VirtualHost *:443>
    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains"
  • Avoid Structured Data Errors on an AMP Site WordPress

    Avoid Structured Data Errors on an AMP Site WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Structured data is crucial for SEO, helping search engines understand your content and display rich results. However, if you’re running an AMP site on WordPress, structured data errors can harm your rankings and user experience. In this guide, we’ll explore how to avoid structured data errors, check for issues, and ensure your AMP site remains error-free in the future.

    What Are Structured Data Errors?

    Structured data errors occur when search engines cannot correctly interpret the metadata on your AMP pages. These errors can prevent your content from appearing in rich results, such as featured snippets or carousels, and negatively impact your SEO performance.

    Why Avoid Structured Data Errors on AMP Sites?

    AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is designed for fast loading and optimal mobile performance. However, if your structured data is incorrect, it can:

    • Reduce Visibility: Your pages may not appear in rich search results.
    • Hurt User Experience: Errors can lead to improper rendering of content.
    • Lower Rankings: Search engines may penalise pages with invalid structured data.

    Steps to Check for Structured Data Errors

    Here’s how to identify and fix structured data errors on your AMP site:

    1. Use Google Search Console

    Google Search Console is a powerful tool for detecting structured data issues. Here’s how to use it:

    • Log in to your Google Search Console account.
    • Navigate to Enhancements > AMP.
    • Review the report for any errors or warnings related to structured data.

    2. Test with Google’s Rich Results Test Tool

    The Rich Results Test Tool allows you to check individual pages for structured data errors:

    • Enter the URL of your AMP page.
    • Review the results for any errors or suggestions.
    • Fix the issues highlighted in the report.

    3. Validate AMP Pages

    Use the AMP Validator to ensure your pages comply with AMP standards:

    • Visit the AMP Validator (opens in new tab).
    • Enter your AMP page URL or paste the HTML code.
    • Address any errors or warnings related to structured data.

    How to Avoid Structured Data Errors in the Future

    Preventing structured data errors is easier than fixing them. Follow these best practices to keep your AMP site error-free:

    1. Use a Reliable AMP Plugin

    Plugins like AMP for WordPress or AMP Enhancer automatically generate valid structured data for your pages. Ensure your plugin is updated to the latest version.

    2. Follow Guidelines

    Structured data must adhere to standards. Use the correct schema types (e.g., Article, FAQ, How-to) and ensure all required fields are populated.

    3. Regularly Audit Your Site

    Schedule monthly audits using tools like Google Search Console and the Rich Results Test Tool to catch errors early.

    4. Test Before Publishing

    Before publishing new content, validate your AMP pages using the AMP Validator and Rich Results Test Tool.

    5. Monitor for Updates

    Search engines frequently update their guidelines. Stay informed about changes to structured data requirements and adjust your implementation accordingly.

    Common Structured Data Errors and Fixes

    Here are some common errors and how to resolve them:

    Missing Required FieldsEnsure all required fields (e.g., headline, datePublished) are included.
    Incorrect Schema TypeUse the correct schema type for your content (e.g., Article, FAQ).
    Invalid JSON-LD FormatValidate your JSON-LD markup using tools like JSON-LD Playground.
    Duplicate Structured DataRemove duplicate schema markup from your pages.

    Tools to Help You Avoid Structured Data Errors

    Here are some tools to simplify structured data management:

    • Google Search Console: Monitor and fix errors.
    • Rich Results Test Tool: Test individual pages.
    • AMP Validator: Validate AMP pages.
    • Schema Markup Generator: Create valid structured data.

    Final Thoughts

    Structured data errors can significantly impact your AMP site’s performance and SEO. By following the steps above, you can avoid structured data errors, improve your search visibility, and provide a better user experience.

    Have you encountered structured data errors on your AMP site? Share your experience in the comments below! For more tips on AMP optimisation and WordPress SEO, visit Netnaps.

    Key Takeaways

    • Structured data errors can harm your AMP site’s SEO and user experience.
    • Use tools like Google Search Console and the Rich Results Test Tool to identify errors.
    • Follow best practices, such as using reliable plugins and adhering to guidelines, to avoid errors.
    • Regularly audit your site and test new content before publishing.

    Have you faced structured data errors on your AMP site? Share your tips or questions in the comments below! For more AMP and WordPress SEO guides, visit Netnaps.

  • Amp Native AMP First Standard Mode On WordPress

    Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) have revolutionized the way websites load on mobile devices, offering lightning-fast performance and improved user experiences. For WordPress users, implementing AMP can be a game-changer, especially with plugins like AMP Native and AMP First Standard Mode. However, setting up and validating AMP on WordPress can sometimes be tricky. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use AMP Native and AMP First Standard Mode, validate your setup, and weigh the pros and cons of this approach.

    What is AMP Native & AMP First Standard Mode?

    • AMP Native: A WordPress plugin that enables AMP functionality without requiring a separate AMP version of your site. It integrates AMP directly into your existing theme.
    • AMP First Standard Mode: A configuration where your entire site is served as AMP pages, ensuring a consistent and fast experience across all devices.

    Why Use AMP Native & AMP First Standard Mode?

    1. Improved Performance: AMP pages load instantly, reducing bounce rates and improving user engagement.
    2. SEO Benefits: Google prioritizes AMP pages in search results, especially for mobile users.
    3. Simplified Setup: AMP Native eliminates the need for separate AMP templates, making it easier to implement.
    4. Consistency: AMP First Standard Mode ensures your entire site adheres to AMP guidelines.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Implement AMP Native & AMP First Standard Mode

    Follow these steps to set up and validate AMP Native and AMP First Standard Mode on your WordPress site:

    Step 1: Install the AMP Plugin

    1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    3. Search for AMP and install the official AMP plugin by
    4. Activate the plugin.

    Step 2: Configure AMP Native

    1. Go to AMP > Settings in your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Under the Template Mode, select Native.
    • This ensures your existing theme is used for AMP pages.
    1. Save the changes.

    Step 3: Enable AMP First Standard Mode

    1. In the AMP > Settings section, enable AMP First Standard Mode.
    • This ensures your entire site is served as AMP pages.
    1. Save the changes.

    Step 4: Validate Your AMP Setup

    1. Use the AMP Validator to check if your pages comply with AMP standards.
    • Visit your site and append /amp/ to any URL (e.g.,
    • Use the AMP Validator to test the page.
    1. Fix any validation errors:
    • Common issues include invalid CSS, missing AMP components, or unsupported tags.
    • Use the AMP Compatibility Tool in the plugin to identify and resolve issues.

    Step 5: Customize AMP Appearance

    1. Go to AMP > Design in your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Customize the appearance of your AMP pages:
    • Change colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand.
    1. Save the changes.

    Pros and Cons of AMP Native & AMP First Standard Mode


    1. Improved Performance: AMP pages load faster, enhancing user experience.
    2. SEO Advantages: AMP pages are prioritized in Google search results.
    3. Simplified Setup: No need for separate AMP templates or themes.
    4. Consistency: AMP First Standard Mode ensures all pages adhere to AMP guidelines.


    1. Limited Customization: AMP restricts certain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript elements.
    2. Plugin Dependency: You rely on the AMP plugin for functionality.
    3. Validation Challenges: Some themes or plugins may not be fully AMP-compatible.
    4. Learning Curve: Beginners may find it challenging to troubleshoot validation errors.

    Troubleshooting Common Issues

    1. Validation Errors:
    • Use the AMP Compatibility Tool to identify issues.
    • Replace unsupported elements with AMP-compatible alternatives.
    1. Styling Issues:
    • Ensure your CSS adheres to AMP guidelines (e.g., inline styles only).
    • Use the AMP Design settings to customize your pages.
    1. Plugin Conflicts:
    • Disable plugins one by one to identify conflicts.
    • Use AMP-compatible plugins whenever possible.

    Best Practices for AMP on WordPress

    1. Test Thoroughly: Validate all pages and posts to ensure AMP compliance.
    2. Optimize Images: Use AMP-compatible image formats like WebP.
    3. Monitor Performance: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to track improvements.
    4. Stay Updated: Regularly update the AMP plugin and your theme for compatibility.


    Implementing AMP Native and AMP First Standard Mode on WordPress can significantly improve your site’s performance and SEO. While there are some challenges, the benefits of faster load times and better mobile experiences make it worth the effort. By following this guide, you can set up, validate, and optimize AMP for your WordPress site with confidence.

    Have you tried AMP Native or AMP First Standard Mode? Share your experience or ask questions in the comments below!